Ecco i vincitori della IV Settimana Europea per la Riduzione dei Rifiuti: 2 su 6 sono italiani
La giuria EWWR ha selezionato 6 tra le oltre 10.700 azioni realizzate dal 17 al 25 novembre 2012 nei 27 paesi dell'Unione Europea. Tra i vincitori le italiane CO.VA.R.14 e Augustea Holding SPA. La prossima edizione della Settimana in programma dal 16 al 24 novembre 2013
05 June, 2013
In occasione della Giornata Mondiale dell'Ambiente sono stati proclamati i vincitori della IV edizione della Settimana Europea per la Riduzione dei Rifiuti. La giuria EWWR ha voluto premiare le iniziative più significative realizzate dal 17 al 25 novembre 2012 nei 27 paesi dell'Unione Europea. Tra le oltre 10.700 azioni realizzate sono stati premiati 5 progetti (appartenenti alla categorie: pubblica amministrazione, associazioni e ONG, aziende, enti educativi, altri):
- Administration & Public Authority: “…di meno in Meglio” Project CO.VA.R.14 (Italy). A campaign carried out across the Piedmont region including a booklet and online tips on waste reduction, guided tours in markets and supermarkets, and cooperation with restaurants that had the opportunity to become involved in a local “Eco-Restaurants” network.
- Association & NGO: The Solid’R clothes collection - Solid’R (Wallonia, Belgium). The Solid’R network organised a large clothing collection in the Walloon region and Brussels, gathering over 500 tonnes of clothes for reuse, and organised an exposition of revamped textile containers, the decoration of a train station by a school, as well asa guided tour of a textile sorting centre and reuse shops.
- Business & Industry: R2R (Reuse to Reload) – Augustea Holding SPA (Italy). Various teams from this Neapolitan company implemented several activities encouraging employees, their families and professional contacts to reduce waste, for instance by replacing disposable cups with multiuse personalised glasses, book exchange, switching to unpackaged products, etc.
- Educational Establishment: Waste prevention in the canteen – Collège Jules Grévy (France). To raise students’ awareness about the challenges of food waste, pupils spent time in the kitchen with the school catering team, weighed their meals, visited an organic garden and a fish farm, and were presented with the food equivalent of a week's worth of waste.
- Other: The zoo improves the Earth – Barcelona Zoological Park (Catalonia, Spain). The Barcelona zoo placed composting bins in various areas of the zoo for pedagogical and educational use, implemented trainings for animal keepers, and organised school visits so that the pupils could learn about the
composters and the entire closed cycle of the zoo's organic material.
Il premio speciale della giuria è invece stato assegnato a:
- The Jury’s special prize: The paper orchestra – Oviedo School of Music (Asturias, Spain). The jury granted a special award to this school of music for their creativity in making music instruments with waste material (in particular paper waste).